Pogoji uporabe / Privacy policy

Pogoji uporabe aplikacije in podsistemov WebkoCMS.


V Primož Jeras s.p. spoštujemo vašo zasebnost in varnost vaših osebnih podatkov. Zavezujemo se, da bomo vaše osebne podatke uporabili izključno za namene za katere so bili zbrani. Vaše osebne podatke varujemo skrbno in v skladu s Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov (Uredba (EU) 2016/679 EVROPSKEGA PARLAMENTA IN SVETA z dne 27. aprila 2016 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov ter o razveljavitvi Direktive 95/46/ES) (v nadaljevanju: GDPR), ter vsakokrat veljavno nacionalno zakonodajo s področja varstva osebnih podatkov.

1       Upravljavec osebnih podatkov

Upravljavec osebnih podatkov je Primož Jeras s.p., Kettejeva ulica 25, Kamnik v nadaljevanju: (upravljavec).

2       Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo podatkov

Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo osebnih podatkov je Primož Jeras, webko@webko.si.

3      Posredovanje osebnih podatkov tretjim osebam, v tretje države ali mednarodne organizacije

Upravljavec osebnih podatkov ne posreduje tretjim osebam, v tretje države ali mednarodne organizacije.

Upravljalec zagotavlja, da bo prejete osebne podatke posameznikov ščitil pred nepooblaščenim razkritjem in posredovanjem nepooblaščenim tretjim osebam, in sicer v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi, ki urejajo varstvo osebnih podatkov.

Na zahtevo organov pregona, v primeru kakršnihkoli zlorab ali kršitev, se lahko osebni podatki uporabnikov posredujejo policiji in drugim pristojnim organom za nadaljnje ukrepanje.

Upravljalec lahko pridobiva podatke za nemoteno delovanje naročenih storitev s strani podjetij: Facebook, Google, Twitter.

4      Vrste osebnih podatkov, pravne podlage in nameni njihove obdelave

Upravljavec zbira in obdeluje osebne podatke, na podlagi: privolitve posameznikov, sklenjenih pogodb oziroma za izvajanje aktivnosti pred sklenitvijo pogodbe, zgolj izjemoma in v kolikor je to nujno za izvajanje zakonitih interesov za katere si prizadevamo, ter za izpolnitev zakonskih obveznosti, ki veljajo za nas.

4.1      Obdelava na podlagi privolitve

Posameznik čigar osebni podatki se obdelujejo na podlagi privolitve, lahko poda privolitev v obdelavo osebnih podatkov za vsak posamezen namen posebej.

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo podatki, lahko kadarkoli prekliče podano privolitev za vsak posamezen namen posebej, na enostaven in lahko dostopen način.

4.1.1             Pošiljanje elektronskih obvestil

Na vaš elektronski naslov boste prejemali obvestila povezana z delovanjem storitev in druga nujna obvestila glede poslovanja.

4.2      Obdelava na podlagi pogodbe

Upravljavec zbira in obdeluje osebne podatke posameznikov na podlagi pogodbe oziroma za izvajanje aktivnosti pred sklenitvijo pogodbe za namen izvajanja pogodbenih obveznosti.

5       Varstvo osebnih podatkov

Upravljavec za zagotavljanje varovanja osebnih podatkov izvaja vse potrebne fizične, tehnične, logične in organizacijske postopke in ukrepe, na podlagi sprejetih internih aktov in v skladu z dobrimi praksami s področja varovanja informacij oziroma prek pogodbenih partnerjev, tako da se:

- varuje aplikativna programska oprema, s katero se obdelujejo osebni podatki
- preprečuje nepooblaščen dostop do osebnih podatkov pri njihovem prenosu, vključno s prenosom po telekomunikacijskih sredstvih in omrežjih
- zagotavlja učinkovit način arhiviranja, uničenja, izbrisa ali anonimizacije osebnih podatkov
- varujejo prostori, strojna in programska oprema
- omogoča poznejše ugotavljanje, kdaj so bili posamezni osebni podatki kakorkoli obdelani in kdo jih je obdelal, in sicer za obdobje, za katero se posamezni podatki shranjujejo.

6       Rok hrambe osebnih podatkov

Osebni podatki posameznikov se hranijo tako dolgo, kot je to nujno potrebno. V primeru, ko rok hrambe določa zakon, hranimo podatke za dobo, ki je v skladu z zakonom. V kolikor gre za izvrševanje posamezne pogodbe, podatke hranimo za čas njene veljave in v kolikor imamo zakonit interes in ta ne posega v pravice posameznikov v skladu s tem rokom. Ko ste za določeno obdelavo osebnih podatkov podali soglasje bomo vaše osebne podatke obdelovali do preklica danega soglasja.

7       Pravice posameznika

Skladno z veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja področje varstva osebnih podatkov, ima posameznik naslednje pravice:

Pravica dostopa posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico od upravljavca dobiti potrditev, ali se v zvezi z njim obdelujejo osebni podatki, in če se, dostop do osebnih podatkov.

Pravica do popravka

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico doseči, da upravljavec brez nepotrebnega odlašanja popravi netočne osebne podatke v zvezi z njim. Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima ob upoštevanju namenov obdelave, pravico do dopolnitve nepopolnih osebnih podatkov.

Pravica do izbrisa

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico doseči, da upravljavec brez nepotrebnega odlašanja izbriše osebne podatke v zvezi z njim, upravljavec pa ima obveznost osebne podatke brez nepotrebnega odlašanja izbrisati.

Pravica do omejitve obdelave

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico doseči, da upravljavec omeji obdelavo, kadar posameznik oporeka točnosti podatkov, kadar je obdelava nezakonita in kadar nasprotuje njihovemu izbrisu ter namesto tega zahteva omejitev njihove uporabe, kadar vloži ugovor v zvezi z njihovo obdelavo ter kadar upravljavec osebnih podatkov ne potrebuje več za namene obdelave, temveč jih posameznik potrebuje za uveljavljanje, izvajanje ali obrambo zahtevkov.

Pravica do prenosljivosti podatkov

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima pravico, da prejme osebne podatke v zvezi z njim, ki jih je posedoval upravljavcu, v strukturirani, splošno uporabljani in strojno berljivi obliki, in pravico, da te podatke posreduje drugemu upravljavcu, ne da bi ga upravljavec, ki so mu bili osebni podatki zagotovljeni, pri tem oviral.

Pravica do ugovora

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ima na podlagi razlogov, povezanih z njegovim posebnim položajem, pravico, da kadarkoli ugovarja obdelavi osebnih podatkov v zvezi z njim, ki temelji na obdelavi, ki je potrebna zaradi zakonitih interesov upravljavca, vključno z oblikovanjem profilov.

Pravica do vložitve pritožbe pri nadzornem organu

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki lahko poda pritožbo glede obdelave njegovih osebnih podatkov neposredno pristojnemu nadzornemu organu, tj. Informacijskemu pooblaščencu Republike Slovenije.

8       Način uveljavljanja pravic posameznikov

Posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, lahko kadar koli uveljavlja pravice, ki mu pripadajo, skladno s Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov. To lahko stori tako, da nam svojo zahtevo posreduje pisno, na naslov: Primož Jeras s.p., Kettejeva ulica 25, Kamnik ali po elektronski pošti na naslov: webko@webko.si.

II. Piškotki

Spletna stran uporablja piškotke, ki so nujno potrebni za nemoteno delovanje spletne strani. Piškotki se hranijo do 6 mesecev.

Politika varstva zasebnosti velja od 1.1.2020.



Upravljavec vaših osebnih podatkov je: Primož Jeras s.p., Kettejeva ulica 25, Kamnik.

Pooblaščena oseba za varstvo osebnih podatkov je: Primož Jeras, webko@webko.si.

Namen ali več namenov za katere se osebni podatki obdelujejo: Vaše podatke (uporabniško ime, ime, priimek, tekstovna in medijska vsebina objav - post, event, video, livevideo) obdelujemo z namenom zagotavljanja storitev in upravljanja z CMS vmesnikom.

Osebne podatke obdelujemo na podlagi vašega naročila storitev WebkoCMS.

Osebni podatki, ki jih obdelujemo: uporabniško ime, ime, priimek, tekstovna in medijska vsebina objav.

Vaših osebnih podatkov ne bomo posredovali tretjim osebam. V stik z njimi bodo prišli zgolj pogodbeni obdelovalci osebnih podatkov.

Vaše osebne podatke bomo obdelovali zgolj toliko časa, kolikor je potrebno za dosego namena, zaradi katerega so bili zbrani oz. do vašega preklica. Po tem času jih bomo v skladu z zakonodajo, ki ureja varstvo osebnih pravic, trajno izbrisali.

Posameznik ima v zvezi z obdelavo njegovih osebnih podatkov naslednje pravice:

- pravica do vpogleda in popravka,
- pravica do blokiranja,
- pravica do izbrisa ali omejitev obdelave vaših osebnih podatkov,
- pravica do podaje ugovora zoper obdelavo vaših osebnih podatkov.

Vse vaše pravice boste najlažje uveljavili tako, da nam posredujete svojo zahtevo na: webko@webko.si ali po pošti na naš sedež.

Na vašo zahtevo bomo odgovorili kar najhitreje, vsekakor pa ne kasneje, kot je dovoljeno.

V primeru če menite, da naša obdelava osebnih podatkov krši Splošno uredbo o varstvu osebnih podatkov ali nacionalno zakonodajo s področja varstva osebnih podatkov lahko svojo pritožbo posredujete nadzornemu organu s področja varstva osebnih podatkov, ki je v Sloveniji Informacijski pooblaščenec. Kontakt Informacijskega pooblaščenca: Informacijski pooblaščenec, Dunajska cesta 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Telefon: 01 230 97 30, E-pošta: gp.ip@ip-rs.si.




Last updated: July 26, 2021

This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You use the Service and tells You about Your privacy rights and how the law protects You.

We use Your Personal data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, You agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Interpretation and Definitions

The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.


For the purposes of this Privacy Policy:

Account means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.

Affiliate means an entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with a party, where "control" means ownership of 50% or more of the shares, equity interest or other securities entitled to vote for election of directors or other managing authority.

Application means the software program provided by the Company downloaded by You on any electronic device, named WebkoCMS

Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Primož Jeras s.p., Kettejeva ulica 25, 1241 Kamnik.

Country refers to: Slovenia

Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet.

Personal Data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.

Service refers to the Application.

Service Provider means any natural or legal person who processes the data on behalf of the Company. It refers to third-party companies or individuals employed by the Company to facilitate the Service, to provide the Service on behalf of the Company, to perform services related to the Service or to assist the Company in analyzing how the Service is used.

Third-party Social Media Service refers to any website or any social network website through which a User can log in or create an account to use the Service.

Usage Data refers to data collected automatically, either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page visit).

You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

Collecting and Using Your Personal Data

Types of Data Collected
Personal Data

While using Our Service, We may ask You to provide Us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify You. Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:

Usage Data

Usage Data is collected automatically when using the Service.

Usage Data may include information such as Your Device's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that You visit, the time and date of Your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

When You access the Service by or through a mobile device, We may collect certain information automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of Your mobile device, Your mobile operating system, the type of mobile Internet browser You use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

We may also collect information that Your browser sends whenever You visit our Service or when You access the Service by or through a mobile device.

Information from Third-Party Social Media Services

The Company allows You to create an account and log in to use the Service through the following Third-party Social Media Services:

- Google
- Facebook
- Twitter

If You decide to register through or otherwise grant us access to a Third-Party Social Media Service, We may collect Personal data that is already associated with Your Third-Party Social Media Service's account, such as Your name, Your email address, Your activities or Your contact list associated with that account.

You may also have the option of sharing additional information with the Company through Your Third-Party Social Media Service's account. If You choose to provide such information and Personal Data, during registration or otherwise, You are giving the Company permission to use, share, and store it in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Use of Your Personal Data

The Company may use Personal Data for the following purposes:

To provide and maintain our Service, including to monitor the usage of our Service.

To manage Your Account: to manage Your registration as a user of the Service. The Personal Data You provide can give You access to different functionalities of the Service that are available to You as a registered user.

For the performance of a contract: the development, compliance and undertaking of the purchase contract for the products, items or services You have purchased or of any other contract with Us through the Service.

To contact You: We do not contact individuals, only our registered clients.

To provide You with news and general information about  services and events which we offer that are similar to those that you have already purchased or enquired about unless You have opted not to receive such information.

To manage Your requests: To attend and manage Your requests to Us.

For business transfers: We may use Your information to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of Our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of bankruptcy, liquidation, or similar proceeding, in which Personal Data held by Us about our Service users is among the assets transferred.

For other purposes: We may use Your information for other purposes, such as data analysis, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns and to evaluate and improve our Service, products, services, marketing and your experience.

We may share Your personal information in the following situations:

With Service Providers: We may share Your personal information with Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service, to contact You.
For business transfers: We may share or transfer Your personal information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of Company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Our business to another company.
With Affiliates: We may share Your information with Our affiliates, in which case we will require those affiliates to honor this Privacy Policy. Affiliates include Our parent company and any other subsidiaries, joint venture partners or other companies that We control or that are under common control with Us.
With business partners: We may share Your information with Our business partners to offer You certain products, services or promotions.
With other users: when You share personal information or otherwise interact in the public areas with other users, such information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly distributed outside. If You interact with other users or register through a Third-Party Social Media Service, Your contacts on the Third-Party Social Media Service may see Your name, profile, pictures and description of Your activity. Similarly, other users will be able to view descriptions of Your activity, communicate with You and view Your profile.
With Your consent: We may disclose Your personal information for any other purpose with Your consent.

Retention of Your Personal Data

The Company will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

The Company will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Your information, including Personal Data, is processed at the Company's operating offices and in any other places where the parties involved in the processing are located. It means that this information may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of Your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from Your jurisdiction.

Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by Your submission of such information represents Your agreement to that transfer.

The Company will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of Your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and other personal information.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data
Business Transactions

If the Company is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, Your Personal Data may be transferred. We will provide notice before Your Personal Data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.

Law enforcement

Under certain circumstances, the Company may be required to disclose Your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency).

Other legal requirements

The Company may disclose Your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

Comply with a legal obligation
Protect and defend the rights or property of the Company
Prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service
Protect the personal safety of Users of the Service or the public
Protect against legal liability

Security of Your Personal Data

The security of Your Personal Data is important to Us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Children's Privacy

Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become aware that We have collected Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13 without verification of parental consent, We take steps to remove that information from Our servers.

If We need to rely on consent as a legal basis for processing Your information and Your country requires consent from a parent, We may require Your parent's consent before We collect and use that information.

Links to Other Websites

Our Service may contain links to other websites that are not operated by Us. If You click on a third party link, You will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise You to review the Privacy Policy of every site You visit.

We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

We will let You know via email and/or a prominent notice on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy.

You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

By email: podpora@webko.si


Piškotki so trenutno VKLOPLJENI. Izklopi piškotke (ni priporočeno)